2005 IEEE Computational Systems Bioinformatics Conference Print
2005 IEEE Computational Systems Bioinformatics Conference
Call for Papers

You are invited to submit papers to the 2005 IEEE Computational Systems Bioinformatics Conference (CSB2005). The conference goal is to facilitate exchange of ideas and collaborations between computer scientists and biologists by presenting cutting-edge computational biology research findings. Such research has an interdisciplinary character. Computer science and mathematical modeling papers must contain a concise description of the biological problem being solved, and biology papers should show how computation or analysis affects the results. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

‧ Microarray Data Analysis ‧ Mathematical and Quantitative Models of Cellular and Multicellular Systems
‧ MicroRNA and RNAi ‧ Synthetic Biological Systems
‧ Pathways, Networks, Systems Biology ‧ Sequence Alignment
‧ Biomedical Applications ‧ Evolution and Phylogenetics
‧ Biological Data Visualization ‧ Functional Genomics
‧ Protein Structures and Complexes ‧ High Performance Bio-computing
‧ Biological Data Mining ‧ Comparative Genomics
‧ Pattern Recognition ‧ SNPs and Haplotyping
‧ Microbial Community Analysis ‧ Promoter Analysis and Discovery

Full papers are limited to 12 pages, single-spaced, in 12-point type, including title, abstract (250 words or less), figures, tables, text, and bibliography. The first page should give keywords, authors?postal and electronic mailing addresses. Papers must not have been previously published and must not be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Papers will be submitted electronically in MS Word, postscript or PDF format.

This year, the conference will also accept short papers, limited to four pages. These papers should describe new research activity in which a complete set of results may not yet be available. Full and short papers will have 25 and 15 minutes, respectively, of presentation time. Paper submissions can be made at the site: http://csbl.bmb.uga.edu/conference/CSB2005/webconf/

A select subset of accepted papers will be invited to publish an extended version in the Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. The Best Paper will be selected by the program committee and announced at the awards ceremony.

Additional information will be posted on the CSB2005 website www.csbcon.org as it becomes available.

Important Dates:
‧ Submission deadline: March 20, 2005
‧ Paper acceptance decision: May 2, 2005
‧ Final revised draft due to publisher: May 22, 2005

Send e-mail queries to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Information about poster submission and tutorial proposals will be posted at www.csbcon.org.
Download a pdf version of this Call for Papers

CSB2005 Program Committee Members

    Tatsuya Akutsu, Kyoto University
    Vineet Bafna, University of California, San Diego
    Serafim Batzoglou, Stanford University
    Jeremy Buhler, Washington University in St. Louis
    Chris Bystroff, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
    Liming Cai, University of Georgia
    Jake Chen, Indiana University
    Julio Collado-Vides, Universidad Nacional Aut鏮oma de M憖ico
    Bruce Donald, Dartmouth University
    Inna Dubchak, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
    Robert Giegerich, Universit酹 Bielefeld
    Wen-Lian Hsu, Academia Sinica
    David Kulp, University of Massachusetts
    Ann Loraine, University of Alabama
    Peter Markstein, Hewlett-Packard Co., Co-Chair
    Satoru Miyano, University of Tokyo
    Sean Mooney, Indiana University
    Youlian Pan, National Research Council, Canada
    Antonio Piccolboni, Affemetrix
    Hong Qian, University of Washington
    Isidore Rigoutsos, IBM TJ Watson Research Center
    Steven Salzberg, The Institute for Genomic Research
    Victor Solovyev, Royal Holloway, University of London
    Olga Troyanskaya, Princeton University
    Eberhard Voit, Georgia Institute of Technology
    Limsoon Wong, Institute for Infocomm Research
    Dong Xu, University of Missouri, Columbia
    Ying Xu, University of Georgia, Co-Chair
    Michael Zhang, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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Submission deadline:
March 20, 2005

Paper acceptance decision:
May 2, 2005

Final revised draft due to publisher:
May 22, 2005

Last Updated on Saturday, 22 January 2005 00:06