Details for NCL-TR-2010001
On the Optimization of Degree Distributions in LT Codes with Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy
Chen, Chih-Ming, Chen, Ying-ping, Shen, Tzu-Ching, & Zao, John K.
Abstract: LT codes have been a popular and practical technique in the field of channel coding since their proposal. The key component of LT codes is a degree distribution which is used to determine the relationship between source data and codewords. Luby in his proposal suggested a general method to construct feasible degree distributions. Such a general design works appropriately in typical situations but not optimally in most cases. To explore the full potential of LT codes, in this work, we make the first attempt to introduce evolutionary algorithms to optimize the degree distribution in LT codes. Degree distributions are encoded as real-valued vectors and evaluated by numerical simulation of LT codes. For applications of different natures, two objectives are implemented to search good degree distributions with different decoding behavior. Compared with the original design, the experimental results are quite promising and demonstrate that the degree distribution can be customized for different purposes. In addition to manually adjusting the degree distribution as the common practice, the work presented in this paper provides an efficient alternative approach to use and adapt LT codes for both practitioners and researchers.
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Created On: 03/01/2010 18:52
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